
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pumpkin Pickin'

A little flashback....
my sweet little boy this time last year.

This seriously makes me so sad. He has grown so much, so quickly.
And this is yesterday.  Look how grown up my baby is.

Last year, I wrote that hopefully this year Landry would cooperate and take a great picture at the pumpkin patch for me.  again.
This one is cute though.

Our next sad attempt.  We kept having to explain to Grampy to cover up Ansley's diaper, because it's inappropriate for girls to show their stuff, but he never quite figured it out.  (and yes, I forgot to cut the ribbon shorter on her dress.  oops.)

Grampy and his girl

Instead of Grumpy, it should be Goofy.
It never fails that when I say, "you could smile," he gives me this cheesy thing.

The kid LOVES him some chapstick.

Great idea on dressing him in an orange shirt to go to the PUMPKIN patch.

Poor Ansley.

I love the look on her face.  "listen Grampy, quit messing with my poof."

It was pretty windy, so Grampy & his girl sat in the jeep while the rest of us shopped for pumpkins.

And just for giggles.  This is how Ansley was when we got home. 
I need to remember to take the bows off when she's in the carseat.
Once again, I end this post with. 
Hopefully next year I'll get a really good picture at the pumpkin patch.....

The End.


  1. Getting pictures of little ones is a challege, that I haven't perfected yet. Throw two into the mix and it is next to impossible. The adorable and these pictures will serve as great memories of the day. I am going to take my niece and nephew to the pumpkin farm soon, so we will see what kind of pictures I get!

  2. I really like all the photos. I especially like the black and white of Landry posted just below the family photo. Nice "smiling" photo of Grampy too.

  3. Haha. When you called Ansley's bow a 'poof' I thought of Jersey Shore's Snookie (don't tell her dad).

    Love the pictures! I'm jealous. We were supposed to go to a pumpkin patch yesterday (FAIL) then today (FAIL) so now we have to wait until next weekend. Isn't fall great!

    P.S. I like the orange shirt with the pumpkins.

  4. Ansley's Halloween dress looks so cute on her and the black headpiece. What a neat picture with Grammy and Grampy at the pumpkin patch. Landry looks so cute. Hope he got a special pumpkin for him and picked one out for little sister.
