
Saturday, September 4, 2010


As I promised yesterday, here are a few video's!

I had not looked at the video's of Landry meeting Ansley for the 1st time.  I have like 8 different ones, but this is the very 1st one, and I just think it's absolutely precious.

So last week at mom's during Ansley's tummy time, she rolled over twice.  I really thought it was a fluke thing, but she's done it 4 times since.  She did it once last nite, so I finally got the camera out and she actually did it again.  I started it a little late cause she had been working on it for a bit, but you still get the jist of it!

And this is from the other nite.  Landry had been playing with Ansley under her gym thing, but of course as soon as I want to video it, he won't have anything to with her!

Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Labor Day Weekend!


  1. The first time Landry got to hold Ansley was so sweet. You have two beautiful children and lucky to get wonderful pictures. They will enjoy growing up together. I was trying to help Ansley as she working so hard to turn over. She looks cute in her striped attire. It's like playing dress up with your babydoll.

  2. Haha...Landry talking in the background of the last video is cute! Way to go Ansley!! Rolling over already...

    Thanks for posting the videos so we could see Ansley in action :)

    Y'all have a good weekend.

  3. What a proud big brother, that video is too sweet! I can't believe she is already rolling over, she is gonna be an active little girl.
