
Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I updated with the 2nd cousin picture! Thanks Kim! Too funny! :)

We've officially been a family of 4 (or 6!) for 3 weeks now!  I really can't believe how fast it's already gone!
Anywho.  We've been super boring lately! The highlight of our day is whether or not we're going to Grammy's house!  I have also been slacking on the picture taking! I can't apologize though, between keeping Ansley happy and Landry occupied, it doesn't leave a lot of free time!  So I only have a few pictures to share, but I hope you enjoy!

These were my birthday flowers from Big Daddy and the kiddos.  They were beautiful and stayed alive for a long time!
Daddy & Ansley napping
Ansley napping
Landry being himself!
Landry on his 1st day back to school!
This is what happens when your child "plays in his room."  He took every.single.toy. out of his toy box.  Later I found him inside the toybox. Then that evening, he pulled every single book out of his bookcase! Needless to say it took us all a while to pick up that nite!
Little missy playing
Big brother always wants to play!
So this super cute outfit had a headband that came with it, but Landry had taken it and hid it and I kinda forgot about it! Em and the kids came over last nite and Landry brought out the headband! So Em put it on her...... 
Can you say Sweatin' to the Oldies!!  Isn't that hilarious! We got a good chuckle out of it!  Needless to say, the headband probably won't be worn with the outfit! :)
hehe, I for sure won't win Mother of the Year, cause I think this picture is even funnier then the previous one!
I had her headband on this morning and loaded the kiddos up to go to Grammy's for a bit.  She slept on our way over there, but when I turned the car off, she started fussing.  I didn't think much of it and while I got Landry out, Mom went to get Ansley.  She starts laughing telling me how mean I am.  So I go around and find my poor daughter like this! hehehe.
So a little bit after I posted this, my cousin Kim sent me this!! Obviously Ansley and Chloe have the same taste in fashion! I thought the picture of Ansley was hilarious, but this with the both of them is almost too much for me to handle!  LOVE IT!

Here are some more of the pictures I took for her birth announcements.
We had her in her crib and she kept acting like she was going to roll over, so I kept snapping away, and she did go on over!
This is one of my favs.
Big Daddy holding his daughter
When all else fails, put your child in a bucket! This is also my favorite!
Pretty girl.
I hope everything is going well for everyone! I'm so looking forward to fall! I'm tired of hot weather!  However, the doc released me to go swimming again, so I'd really like to do that first! 
Have a wonderful week!


  1. First, LOVE all the pictures! Second, Landry will be paying Ansley a quarter to clean his room in no time. Third, I'm going to e-mail you something in a moment.

    Love you all!

  2. I have been so ready to see the little ones. Ansley has grown alot since I held her. She is adorable. Landry couldn't remember what toy he was looking for. Hope he decided on one. That was the way all you grandkids did the toybox at my house. It brings wonderful memories to me. I have enjoyed the birth announcement.
