
Saturday, August 21, 2010

A few funnies...

The past few days we've been working on getting Ansley's newborn pictures done.  I ordered her birth announcements and hopefully they turn out well!  I'll give you a sneak peek at two of the pictures I didn't end up using. 
Okay, so we all know that our son is a ham.  I really wanted a picture of him & Ansley dressed up and cute for her cards, but between the two of them, it was nearly impossible!!  We took pictures about 4 different times and went through a bag of m&m's before I finally got one to use on the announcement!  So here are the out-takes of our children's picture!

no children were harmed during this...
hehe, and that's only about half of the funny ones!  At least we never have a boring day around this place! 

I went ahead and took the little man to the doctor and it is just allergies!
I celebrated my birthday on Thursday! Chris was home from the station again, so we kinda just hung out all day!  He got me a dishwasher!! And, it came in today!  Woohoo! I also got really pretty flowers and sweet cards!

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's Been One Week...

Anybody remember that song? hehe, now i'll sing it the rest of the day!!

Today is my due date!

Therefore, we have had our precious daughter with us for a week now!
 Landry has proven to be a great big brother! He loves to hold his sister and the first thing he does in the mornings is check on her.  It's so sweet!
I love how Harli is just staring at them in this pic!
 Such a proud big brother!

 Ansley meeting her great-Grandma!
 Chris and Landry went to Lowes the other day and came back with LOTS of goodies!  Landry walked in carrying a tool box.  Then he opened it and showed me everything else he got! Paint brushes, putty knives (plastic), a tire guage (who knows, Chris said he picked his own stuff out), and a wooden car for them to build!

 Showing sister all his tools
 Miss Ella
 Isn't it cute how Landry & Ella match in their diapers?!
 Kaden loving on Ansley
 Addison meeting Ansley for the first time, I'm pretty sure she was THRILLED...
 Uncle Terry hung Landry on the backdoor, this is what Terry & my dad used to do to me!
 We took Ansley swimming for the first time.  Actually, I just wanted a picture of her in her swimsuit! Isn't it cute!

 Chris & Landry actually did get to swim, I was super jealous!

 This crazy little boy loves to sit in his sister's nap nanny! And he's obsessed with buckling her in, so when he sits in it, he also buckles himself in but then can't get out!

 Landry playing with Ansley
Today was our first day that was kinda rough.  I think Landry's allergies are bothering him, so he was a little crabby.  Besides that, we're still hanging in there!

Hope everyone's week is going well!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sugar & Spice

We're home! And now we are a family of four! 

 I have a ton of pics to share and I've been working on the pictures for hours now, and they are so out of order!! I don't know what is wrong with my blogger, but it just randomly put pictures here and there and the only place it moves them to is the very bottom.  So these are all over the place!

Ansley Dawn was born August 11th @ 8:17am
9.67 lbs. and 19.5 inches long!

Our big baby girl won the nursery award for the largest baby while we were there!

This was early Wednesday morning before we left for the hospital
yep, I'm huge!
Em came up and waited with us
Daddy coming out of surgery
Pretty baby girl Wednesday afternoon
My friend Savanna
Grampy and his granddaughter!
Told ya these were out of order!
Landry on Tuesday evening leaving to go stay at Grammy & Grampy's.  He loves his backpacks!

We learned very quickly that family pictures just aren't gonna happen! Do you see Landry in this one? He's "sleeping"...
At least he's looking at the camera in this one!
Yep, that was it for family pictures that day!
Landry really didn't want much to do with Ansley on Wednesday, but Thursday he couldn't get enough of her!
He was napping with her! This is his favorite pretend thing to do.
Grammy with her granddaughter
Proud Uncle Terry
My super cute door hangar Katelyn made for Ansley, I seriously got SO many compliments on it!
Getting dressed to go home yesterday
We wanted a picture of the 4 of us before we left.  I put quite a few on here, none of them are very good, but I wanted y'all to see Landry's facial expressions.  He's seriously so funny.
If you've ever had a c-section, you know how much it hurts to laugh.  Well, I got to laughing so hard, I thought I was going to die!
Going home outfit
My beautiful flowers Landry got for me in the hospital
Once again, way out of order!
Right after being born
Big Daddy got to cut the cord!
First family picture! It almost worked!
Once again, sorry all the pictures are so crazy.  We're doing good so far and enjoying being home!  I have many more pictures so I'll try to post some more soon!