
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Crazy kids...

This is going to be pretty random!
We've been crazy busy this past week!  With Landry having swimming lessons and school, it's been kinda hectic!  He finished up swimming lessons yesterday and absolutely loved it!  He's for sure a kid that loves water!  He's also really enjoying school!  Leaving him in the morning is hard but he has so much fun! 

I know i'm biased, but I think he is such a stud!!
And yes, majority of the time he rides with his feet on his dvd player.
I guess he wanted to go to school!  It wasn't even a school day, but he found his backpack and wanted it on and wore it around the house for hours!
Big Daddy's been on vaca from the fire house since last Tuesday!  He doesn't have to go back til Sunday!  So he got to enjoy the weekend with us! 
First off, let me explain.  Some nights after we put Landry down to bed, he immediately falls asleep.  Other nights (such as last night) he will play in his room (or sing, or talk!) for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half.

Saturday morning this is what we woke up to.....
That's right, he destroyed his pillow.  And no, Harli actually had nothing to do with it!

The other night while we were eating dinner, I had this visor on the table.  Landry reached over and grabbed it and put it on his head!  Needless to say, this is how he finished his dinner!
Notice the pizza sauce by his eye and the ranch dressing coated hair?
Harli and Landry have quickly become best buds.  If Harli doesn't climb in bed with him in the mornings, he gets really upset.  And likewise, when we drop Landry off somewhere, Harli gets sad!

This is where Harli used to stay in the car.
Then she decided she needed to be closer to her buddy, so she started riding in his lap.
Then it moved to cuddling with him.
Now....  One day after I got back to my car after taking Landry into school, I found her like this.
Anytime we get out of the car and she doesn't, she immediately sits in Landry's seat!  Yesterday morning, I really thought she was gonna fight me to put Landry in there!!
Big Daddy took Landry to school today and sent me this picture when he got back in the car.  We're not real for sure what she's doing...

And last but not least.
The boys came over yesterday afternoon to play in the sprinklers with Landry and Harli discovered a new toy!
Sorry the boys aren't on video, they were all naked and I don't think that's really appropriate PG rating for this blog!

Hope y'all have a great weekend!


  1. I can't wait to see what Landry and Harli do when she's too big to ride in his lap. lol. Won't be too long! She already looks a lot bigger. Also, I totally thought you were going to say that Harli tore up the pillow. Interesting...and funny.

  2. Oh my I really don't know where you are going to put Ansley's seat. I hope Harli doesn't try to sit on her. The sprinkler makes me think of Tippy when she would chase the water. Cute pictures and it makes for a good laugh thinking about the what lies ahead of you with the circus in the backseat.

  3. How exciting it is with Landry and Harli around to entertain you. I love to see a child happy and content. They bring lots of joy to everyone. Maybe Landry can start a new way to wear the visor .It looks good on him. Glad to see his"Big Boy"room. It is so special.
