
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's A.........

We our "big" ultrasound today!  We had a little party in the room too!  We (Chris and I) invited my parents to come with us (neither one had ever seen one done) so of course Landry was there and my friend Em came also!  All of the measurements were perfect, heart, brain, kidney's etc. all looked good and right on track!  I drank a glass of orange juice before we went hoping that it would move around good for us, but instead stayed asleep almost the whole time!  How's that for timing?!

This is the 4d of the profile 
A little closer
Trying to hide behind the hands
Oh, and in case you wanted to know... SHE'S A GIRL!!!!!
She now weighs 10 oz. which is double what she was a month ago!
She was being modest too! She kept sitting on her little feet and crossing them underneath her bottom!

What a sweet little angel we have been blessed with!
We pray that all continues to go well with our little blessing and that she brings us as much joy as her big brother does!


  1. Dad and I are so excited. She better be tough with all the boys she will grow up with. Better get "ugly" baby cleaned up and ready so she can be her favorite doll too.

  2. Congratulations!! It will be Chloe and ???(don't want to give away any possible names) against the boys. I'll bet the girls will have the boys wrapped around their fingers. :)

  3. Tori, Glad you have a little doll that you should name "Rosemary". I know Landry will be happy having two pretty girls in his life. You and Chris have a dream come true. Thank you for calling me and sharing the good news. I am blessed with 3 greatgrandsons and 2greatgranddaughters. I AM SO PROUD OF ALL MY FAMILY.

  4. Congratulations on your little girl!

  5. Yippee for little girls!!! Little boys, too (but we'll let the girls have their moment). The bow is nice touch on the sono. She's going to be precious. Keep us updated.
