
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What a Week!

What a fun week we've had!
It finally snowed here on Thursday, along with ice and a lot of sleet!  Needless to say, I had a 4 day weekend! It was fabulous and we had such a great time!

This is Klassie, my brother and sis-in-laws dog.  I think she was tired!
Terry, Trissa and the boys all came over and we ate breakfast for dinner!  We've all started getting together (we try for once a week) and the boys cook us breakfast! It's soooo good! This time, Trissa even made gravy to go with our biscuits, YUM!
Here's the snow out the front door on Thursday night.
And Landry decided he'd cheese it up for the camera, don't you just love his beautiful smile! :)
The three most handsomest boys
Playing before dinner
The snow on Saturday
Chris had to work on Saturday, so missed out on the sledding fun, but the rest of us had a blast!
Landry got new boots and tennis shoes on Sunday and let me just tell you, the kid is obssesed with those boots! He shows them to everyone (including the nurse at the pedi. office!)  So, he worked with his daddy and cleaned the garage! Literally! He swept and everything and cried when we made him come inside and eat dinner!
But all's better in the world with some chicken enchilada's!!
I took him to the doctor yesterday for a really yucky nose and cough, but thank goodness it's just a cold!
Here's a few video's to enjoy as well! I have a whole bunch of them, but I won't bore you with them all today!

I took mom and Landry lunch early last week and at one point I tried to pierce a grape with my fork, but instead, it flew out of the container.  Landry thought it was hilarious! So I kept doing it and then the dogs would chase them and eat them!
lunch time funnies from tori bonner on Vimeo.

Here's a few of the sledding adventures! More to come!!
landry sledding from tori bonner on Vimeo.

sledding from tori bonner on Vimeo.

Hope everyone enjoys their week!


  1. Fun times. Landry loves watching the videos and see himself in the pictures.

  2. Tori,Wish I could have seen the sleding as all my handsome greatgrandsons were having a great time together. You are a good mother and like to entertain the cousins. Landry tries to keep up with the big boys and does a good job. He has a winning smile and is growing up so fast. He will be like Terry and take good care of his sibling. Hope you are feeling good and anxious for the little gift from God.Iloveyou

  3. Looks like everyone had a fun time. I like the lunch video. You can't help but laugh with Landry.
