
Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Fun!!

My friend Em came over a few days before Christmas because they had something for Landry that he had to have *before* Christmas!  They got him his very own Little People's Nativity Set!  He had played with Kaden's before and I had commented how I wanted him to have one, but short of ordering one, have had NO luck finding one in town.  Leave it to Em though! She found the last one at WalMart, pushed all the way  back on the shelf!  Landry LOVES it!  He had so much fun playing with it all week!

This is Landry's BEAUTIFUL girlfriend Ella.  We just love her!

Landry and Kaden

Read it and weep folks... they HELD HANDS!!

Look at her staring at him!

Since Chris had to work on Christmas Day, Santa came to visit us on Christmas Eve morning.
I think he went a little overboard for the little Mister.

Coming in to see his presents (do you notice how my ornaments have slowly moved up the tree??)

He stood like this for a little while trying to figure out what to do!

Getting to Grammy & Grampy's for Christmas Eve

Playing with the boys basketball game

Landry didn't want to get his new sweater dirty at dinner.

That's right, he hit Kaleb

Is this not the funnest picture ever?!

No one believed me that I could set my timer on my camera and actually make it work!
It did take me a little while, but I think it turned out great!!!

It got really hot in their house, so Landry took off his pants and decided to ride his new firetruck.
Notice how chunky his legs are!

Yes, I'm a stud!!

He also really liked to help Kaleb open his presents!

Our gift to Keevan and Kaleb. 
Their own personalized bookcases!

Landry's Santa gifts at Grammy and Grampy's.

Does this need an explanation?

Kaleb's Santa gift.

Keevan's Santa gift

Is this not truly the sweetest picture you have EVER seen! I just love this kid!

And this was Keevan last nite at our house wearing Landry's "wife beater"!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday and that you got to be surrounded by family and friends!
Have a super day!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Outdoor Decorations

Here are some pictures of our house decorations this year!  We opted for LED lights instead of our regular multi-colored ones.  So almost all the strands are plugged into ONE outlet! They're awesome!  I LOVE Christmas decorations and when I say love, I truly mean it!  Even though decorations are not the reason to celebrate this time of year, I still love to enjoy them!

Mom & Dad got us this firetruck inflatable this year, isn't it cute! Santa waves and the reindeer on top spins around!

This is our dalmation driving the fire truck.  Let's just say I paid a LOT of money for this thing, and it's a piece of junk.  I'm pretty sure it's only meant to use for one year.  Just to stay together we had to rig it up with floral wire!  So pathetic!

I know you can't see the wreaths real well, but they are so cute!  Mom found a blog showing how to make them, so she made one for her fireplace and after seeing it, I knew that's what I needed on my front doors!

TA-DA!! There's also light's down the side of the house and the fence, and also in the rest of the tree's but I couldn't get a decent picture! So, just imagine it in your head!

Here's our Christmas card for 2009.  I think they turned out pretty well! 

I hope y'all enjoyed looking at all our decorations for Christmas this year!
But never forget, that Jesus is the reason for the season!

Monday, December 14, 2009


Landry likes to dance with Santa & his reindeer, or he usually does!  Mom had got the set a few years ago for my nephews to enjoy so I brought them home for Landry to play with this year.  I've now recorded him 3 times and everytime I do, he doesn't cooperate very well.  Go figure!

He's a mess! But isn't he cute! Please ignore the mess in the living room, I think I clean it 5 times a day!  I clean, he un-cleans! Ask my mom, believe me, she knows!  Hope y'all have a wonderful day!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Inside decorations

Just wanted to post a few of my Christmas decorations from our house.  That way I can remember what it all looked like!  I have a few videos that are really cute that i'll need to post soon, but I don't have time right now.  Hope everyone is having a good holiday season and looking forward to Christmas!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Walking in a Winter Wonderland!!

 hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  We had a great one, ate WAY too much food and had an overall super time!  We truly have so much to be thankful for year after year.
Our family picture minus miss Addision

Friday, Chris decorated the house!! WooHoo!!
Nothing I love better than Christmas decorations!  My house has been decorated for 2 weeks and now the outside is done!  Anywho, it was a really lovely day and I'm desperately needing pictures for Christmas cards, so I thought I'd take the little mister out front and take some! Out of over 100 pics, these are the only ones where he was, or almost was, looking at me.  The rest were pretty much of his bottom as he crawled away from me.

Think any of those would work?

Saturday, Chris worked, so me and Landry just hung out.  And then I babysat Landry's 2 month old girlfriend and her 5 year old brother.... Wow, 2 babies is hard work! :)  All was well until it was time for Ella to have her bottle.  Landry was FURIOUS!  eesh, it was bad!  But other than that, we had a fun evening!

Sunday, we woke up to it SNOWING!!  Anyone and everyone who knows me, knows I LOVE the snow!
It was a wet one too!  We were lazy bugs all day (Landry actually stayed in his pj's all day...)  and thoroughly enjoyed sitting in front of the fire!  Grammy had bought L a really awesome sled a few weeks ago and a snow suit, so I was dying to try it out!

As everyone also knows, my favorite Christmas movie is A Christmas Story (you'll shoot your eye out...)
Does this picture not totally remind you the younger brother in his snow suit?  Hehe, he kept rolling back and forth cause he couldn't roll over to get up!  I know, I know, I'm horrible!!  But it was funny!

Landry and his daddy playing in the snow! He loved it!

My hutch in the kitchen is one of Landry's favorite places to clean out.  Yesterday he opened the bottom drawer and took out my beaded wreaths for the doors and crawled in there! 

PS. do you see the Jim Shore Santa's Workshop on the hutch???
It was my Christmas present!!
Yes, it was early, but Chris, Landry, and Addi wanted me to enjoy it this year!!
But seeing as how I leave out almost all my Jim Shore year round, I probably will this one as well!

And here's a video of Landry enjoying playing in his first sled!! 

Hope y'all have a wonderful day!!