
Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Fun!!

My friend Em came over a few days before Christmas because they had something for Landry that he had to have *before* Christmas!  They got him his very own Little People's Nativity Set!  He had played with Kaden's before and I had commented how I wanted him to have one, but short of ordering one, have had NO luck finding one in town.  Leave it to Em though! She found the last one at WalMart, pushed all the way  back on the shelf!  Landry LOVES it!  He had so much fun playing with it all week!

This is Landry's BEAUTIFUL girlfriend Ella.  We just love her!

Landry and Kaden

Read it and weep folks... they HELD HANDS!!

Look at her staring at him!

Since Chris had to work on Christmas Day, Santa came to visit us on Christmas Eve morning.
I think he went a little overboard for the little Mister.

Coming in to see his presents (do you notice how my ornaments have slowly moved up the tree??)

He stood like this for a little while trying to figure out what to do!

Getting to Grammy & Grampy's for Christmas Eve

Playing with the boys basketball game

Landry didn't want to get his new sweater dirty at dinner.

That's right, he hit Kaleb

Is this not the funnest picture ever?!

No one believed me that I could set my timer on my camera and actually make it work!
It did take me a little while, but I think it turned out great!!!

It got really hot in their house, so Landry took off his pants and decided to ride his new firetruck.
Notice how chunky his legs are!

Yes, I'm a stud!!

He also really liked to help Kaleb open his presents!

Our gift to Keevan and Kaleb. 
Their own personalized bookcases!

Landry's Santa gifts at Grammy and Grampy's.

Does this need an explanation?

Kaleb's Santa gift.

Keevan's Santa gift

Is this not truly the sweetest picture you have EVER seen! I just love this kid!

And this was Keevan last nite at our house wearing Landry's "wife beater"!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday and that you got to be surrounded by family and friends!
Have a super day!


  1. Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas!

  2. Sweet pictures. It was a nice Christmas and so much fun on Christmas morning. I think some of the door jams need a touch up from the scooter and bike--do you know someone that could do that? I wonder who was having the most fun on Kaleb's scooter?

  3. Wish I had not missed breakfast that morning. The Christmas dinner was so good (even the next day it was still good for 2 meals) Devonn you had decorated your new home real pretty. The prayer at dinner time was so sweet given by Keevan. Everyone was so patient while the gifts were passed out and opened. The snow made a perfect scene for the holiday time.Tori took so many good pictures. I can't wait to get some to show my friends (they all turned out really good) I am so proud of all three generations and I make the fourth generation.

  4. Tell Grampy to get his own toys!!
    Glad y'all had a good Christmas.
