
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Landry!

Dear Landry Wyatt,
Today is your 1st birthday!
One year ago today at 7:29 pm you came into this world and changed mine and your daddy's life forever.

You have grown so much over the last 12 months.  It amazes me to look back on these pictures and try to remember how little you were.  It breaks my heart to realize that I don't remember.  It has gone by so very fast and although I miss you being that small, you are growing up to be a big guy like your daddy, and that makes me so proud!

I took this picture of you today at the doctor's office for your well check visit.  You are such a little ham. 
Your left top molar has broke through your gums and your right one and your 2 other bottom teeth are trying to get through as well!  Your pedi said you look and sound good (minus your horrible skin) and that you are going to be a big guy!

You have given me and your daddy so much joy over the last 12 months Landry.  You are such a precious little boy and we thank God daily that he trusted us enough to watch over you.  You light up a room with your smile and your precious little laugh is infectious.  I never knew the love for a baby could overwhelm your life in such a way that I can't imagine going a day without you.  We are so proud of all of your accomplishments and milestones.  We look forward to watching you learn new things everyday, growing up and becoming a gentleman, running out into the world and changing the future!  You are going to go so far in life and we cannot wait to see what you do.  We are so proud to be called your mommy and daddy, what lucky one's we are! Thank you for your unconditional love and affection baby, you are our angel.

With all our love,
Momma and Daddy

Here's how you've grown over the past 12 months!

  • 11-12-08 - 8.5 lbs. / 21 inches
  • 2 weeks - 9 lbs. / 21 inches
  • 2 months - 12 lbs. 10 oz. / 24 inches
  • 4 months - 16 lbs. 1.5 oz. / 26 inches
  • 6 months - 18 lbs. 12 oz. / 27 1/2 inches
  • 9 months - 21 lbs. 12 oz. / 30 1/4 inches
  • Today! - 23 lbs. 10.5 oz. / 31 1/2 inches
As of today you are the average weight for a 15 month old and the average height for an 18 month old!  What a big boy you are!

Happy 1st Birthday Landry Wyatt!


  1. Wow, looking back at the pictures sure bring sweet memories. Time sure went fast with your 1st year and we can't wait to see what all is ahead of you. We love you Landry you put a smile on our face everyday. Love, Grammy & Grampy

  2. Glad I get to see Landry grow by leaps and bounds. He is a joy to be around. Put your sweet letter in his baby book for him to see. It will be a treasure. Love you,
