
Monday, November 30, 2009

Walking in a Winter Wonderland!!

 hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  We had a great one, ate WAY too much food and had an overall super time!  We truly have so much to be thankful for year after year.
Our family picture minus miss Addision

Friday, Chris decorated the house!! WooHoo!!
Nothing I love better than Christmas decorations!  My house has been decorated for 2 weeks and now the outside is done!  Anywho, it was a really lovely day and I'm desperately needing pictures for Christmas cards, so I thought I'd take the little mister out front and take some! Out of over 100 pics, these are the only ones where he was, or almost was, looking at me.  The rest were pretty much of his bottom as he crawled away from me.

Think any of those would work?

Saturday, Chris worked, so me and Landry just hung out.  And then I babysat Landry's 2 month old girlfriend and her 5 year old brother.... Wow, 2 babies is hard work! :)  All was well until it was time for Ella to have her bottle.  Landry was FURIOUS!  eesh, it was bad!  But other than that, we had a fun evening!

Sunday, we woke up to it SNOWING!!  Anyone and everyone who knows me, knows I LOVE the snow!
It was a wet one too!  We were lazy bugs all day (Landry actually stayed in his pj's all day...)  and thoroughly enjoyed sitting in front of the fire!  Grammy had bought L a really awesome sled a few weeks ago and a snow suit, so I was dying to try it out!

As everyone also knows, my favorite Christmas movie is A Christmas Story (you'll shoot your eye out...)
Does this picture not totally remind you the younger brother in his snow suit?  Hehe, he kept rolling back and forth cause he couldn't roll over to get up!  I know, I know, I'm horrible!!  But it was funny!

Landry and his daddy playing in the snow! He loved it!

My hutch in the kitchen is one of Landry's favorite places to clean out.  Yesterday he opened the bottom drawer and took out my beaded wreaths for the doors and crawled in there! 

PS. do you see the Jim Shore Santa's Workshop on the hutch???
It was my Christmas present!!
Yes, it was early, but Chris, Landry, and Addi wanted me to enjoy it this year!!
But seeing as how I leave out almost all my Jim Shore year round, I probably will this one as well!

And here's a video of Landry enjoying playing in his first sled!! 

Hope y'all have a wonderful day!!

Friday, November 13, 2009


Today, i'll leave you with a little clip of Landry driving his new 4-wheeler!  Chris has been teaching him how to drive it by himself, but he obviously just needed his cousin's help!

Is he not the cutest little one year old ever?

I have some videos from his birthday party, but seeing as how my enormous big 'ol butt is in all of them, I think i'm going to pass on posting them. Is it true that a camera adds 30 10lbs or is it just me?  Eesh.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Landry!

Dear Landry Wyatt,
Today is your 1st birthday!
One year ago today at 7:29 pm you came into this world and changed mine and your daddy's life forever.

You have grown so much over the last 12 months.  It amazes me to look back on these pictures and try to remember how little you were.  It breaks my heart to realize that I don't remember.  It has gone by so very fast and although I miss you being that small, you are growing up to be a big guy like your daddy, and that makes me so proud!

I took this picture of you today at the doctor's office for your well check visit.  You are such a little ham. 
Your left top molar has broke through your gums and your right one and your 2 other bottom teeth are trying to get through as well!  Your pedi said you look and sound good (minus your horrible skin) and that you are going to be a big guy!

You have given me and your daddy so much joy over the last 12 months Landry.  You are such a precious little boy and we thank God daily that he trusted us enough to watch over you.  You light up a room with your smile and your precious little laugh is infectious.  I never knew the love for a baby could overwhelm your life in such a way that I can't imagine going a day without you.  We are so proud of all of your accomplishments and milestones.  We look forward to watching you learn new things everyday, growing up and becoming a gentleman, running out into the world and changing the future!  You are going to go so far in life and we cannot wait to see what you do.  We are so proud to be called your mommy and daddy, what lucky one's we are! Thank you for your unconditional love and affection baby, you are our angel.

With all our love,
Momma and Daddy

Here's how you've grown over the past 12 months!

  • 11-12-08 - 8.5 lbs. / 21 inches
  • 2 weeks - 9 lbs. / 21 inches
  • 2 months - 12 lbs. 10 oz. / 24 inches
  • 4 months - 16 lbs. 1.5 oz. / 26 inches
  • 6 months - 18 lbs. 12 oz. / 27 1/2 inches
  • 9 months - 21 lbs. 12 oz. / 30 1/4 inches
  • Today! - 23 lbs. 10.5 oz. / 31 1/2 inches
As of today you are the average weight for a 15 month old and the average height for an 18 month old!  What a big boy you are!

Happy 1st Birthday Landry Wyatt!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Party Time!

Landry's 1st Birthday party was on Sunday and we had a blast!
However, the day didn't start off too well.
I was in the process of making punch when Landry started throwing a fit.  Now, being the good mother that I am, I gave him something to keep him occupied.  That being the kool-aid container.  (let me justify- it was one of those that comes in a container with like 5 or 6 seperate foil covered packets) I gave him the whole container with the lid and everything. So I go about punch making and table setting and chatting with my mom on the phone.  I look over and he's got the lid off and now has the individual containers out.  Once again, no big deal (remember the good mother I am?)  Finish setting the table and making punch, glance behind me and see RED covering my baby.  Freak out thinking he's bleeding to death, hang up on mom.  Reality sets in that I'm an idiot who gave red kool-aid powder to entertain my child.

Now, being the wonderful mother that I am, I took pictures first.
Then I took the fun tasty treat away from my child.
And s*** hit the fan.

Does anyone know of anything that gets red dye out of a babies skin quickly?  I obviously don't.
I used vinegar, toothpaste, warm water, baby wipes, lotion and soap.
I did get it to fade a little, so in his 1st birthday pictures he looks like Rudolph.
Once again, I'm a great mother.

Landry's new rocking recliner. Shooting hoops (thanks Grammy and Grampy) from my 4-wheeler

Grammy and Grampy got him this awesome firetruck car! He LOVES it!

I wanted a picture of him with his big cake and what's he do?  Grabs himself a handful!

Then it was smash cake time! And daddy smashed the cake into Landry's face!

Playing outside with his new toys!

Mommy loves you Landry!

 Hope everyone has a great day!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A monkey, a fireman, and a dog

Landry started monkey crawling a few months ago. It originally started when he would crawl over a rug. Then when my parents got their new house with all the brick and tile, he does it all the time *unless he has pants on, then he's fine* I finally got in on camera!
There were a lot of hot air balloons in town on Friday for a big shindig at the Canyon and at a local park. I really did want to go see them (I always thought it would be neat to go to Albuquerque to the balloon festival) but between Chris working on the bathroom and Landry needing to go to bed, we didn't make it.
So on Saturday morning, Chris called and said there were a lot of balloons out if I wanted to take Landry to see them. By the time I finally found them, they were across town!
Yes, I did take this picture while driving.
This one was my favorite! In another picture you can see that on the brown part of the bottom of the balloon is an eagle. It was really neat!
And I know I give my hubby grief over missing my little car and now driving the tank, but after getting to jump a curb and park in the field where all the balloons landed, I had to thank him!
We were literally next to the balloons!
I have a whole lot more pictures of all the balloons, but I didn't figure I should put them all on here!
Then on Saturday afternoon, I took my brother and his families pictures!
I've been wanting to use my new camera and take actual pictures for someone and I finally got the chance!

By the time I got home from picture taking it was time to get ready for Trick or Treating!
Here's Addi in her fireman costume!
Yes, I agree. I'm pretty sure she hates me.
But my little dalmation puppy thought she was HILARIOUS!
All the boys dressed in their fire gear at Grammy and Grampy's.
Doesn't my child looked thrilled?
After leaving my parents we visited my grandma, then we joined our friends at Trunk or Treat!
Landry enjoying his sucker!
And then visited a few of our neighbors. Landry had a great time at his first Halloween!
His first birthday party is coming up this weekend!
It's so bittersweet.

Hope everyone has a fabulous week!