
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!

Anybody ever watch that show? Great movie I say.
Since Chris was working on installing our new toilet last nite, Landry and I invited my parents to go to the pumpkin patch!
Now, in my head, I see all the cute pictures that everyone takes at these places of their kids. Smiling, grabbing pumpkins, toddling around in the hay etc.
My *usually* happy, cheesy, smily, goofy little boy would not pay attention to me!
All three of us were clapping, whistling, calling his name, shaking keys...nothing.
I think in this one, he's actually staring at my parents thinking "who are these crazy people?"
Grampy did actually get him to walk (for about 2.5 seconds)

And I *almost* got him to look at me in this one (does that count?)
This is where he became obsessed with two little baby girls taking their pictures behind me. And when I say obsessed, I mean it literally. He actually made googly eyes at them at one point.
I really do like this one. Granted he was still staring at the little girls, I consider it a success.
Oh, come on Mom. This is ridiculous! Enough pictures already.
See how precious this would have been had he focused? Hey Landry, over here!!
Nope? okay, well nevermind then.
So I come home (with 3 pumpkins, thanks Grampy & Grammy!)
And think, "oh, well I'll set them in the floor and I know he'll give me a cute smile!"
But, I did get this picture of his cute behind!
And then he found my camera lens cover and proceeded to try to put it on my lens while I was trying to take his picture!
I gave up after that.

Maybe next year?


  1. Thank you for the picture book. I hope this comment makes it to you this time. Landry will be seeing spooks for a long time,bless his sweet heart. The pumpkin patch had too much to see. He did a lot of studying. Hope you will have an openhouse to show off your new bathroom. It looks great so far. I miss seeing Landry with his million dollar smile. See you on trick or treat night.

  2. The pictures are cute. I have resigned to action photos because getting my toddler nephew to pose for a picture is next to impossible!
