
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!

Anybody ever watch that show? Great movie I say.
Since Chris was working on installing our new toilet last nite, Landry and I invited my parents to go to the pumpkin patch!
Now, in my head, I see all the cute pictures that everyone takes at these places of their kids. Smiling, grabbing pumpkins, toddling around in the hay etc.
My *usually* happy, cheesy, smily, goofy little boy would not pay attention to me!
All three of us were clapping, whistling, calling his name, shaking keys...nothing.
I think in this one, he's actually staring at my parents thinking "who are these crazy people?"
Grampy did actually get him to walk (for about 2.5 seconds)

And I *almost* got him to look at me in this one (does that count?)
This is where he became obsessed with two little baby girls taking their pictures behind me. And when I say obsessed, I mean it literally. He actually made googly eyes at them at one point.
I really do like this one. Granted he was still staring at the little girls, I consider it a success.
Oh, come on Mom. This is ridiculous! Enough pictures already.
See how precious this would have been had he focused? Hey Landry, over here!!
Nope? okay, well nevermind then.
So I come home (with 3 pumpkins, thanks Grampy & Grammy!)
And think, "oh, well I'll set them in the floor and I know he'll give me a cute smile!"
But, I did get this picture of his cute behind!
And then he found my camera lens cover and proceeded to try to put it on my lens while I was trying to take his picture!
I gave up after that.

Maybe next year?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Runnin' behind!

I'm slacking a little! Actually, I've had these pics for awhile I just haven't put them up! Landry's 1st birthday is coming up QUICKLY! His party is actually less than 2 weeks away! I can't believe how big he is!
Here's us trying to take his 11 month pictures. I thought it'd be cute to write it with his blocks, have him sit behind them and snap his picture. Yeah Right.
So I put him in his high chair! Not exactly the cute picture I was aiming for.
Then I tried strapping him into his car. It's cute! You just can't see how big he is!
My grandma had given Landry this shirt awhile ago so while daddy was gone one nite, we put it on to finally take some pics!
I personally think this one is hilarious! He's **trying** to walk. I just so happened to snap the picture as he was falling! I know, I'm evil.
Actually, he might be evil! What is up with his face?
Here's my handsome nephew Keevan sportin' his boy scout shirt!
And Kaleb wearing his new army gear (that he HAD to have from Toy's R Us)
That's right. Radient Floor Heating. Ridiculous? I think so.
But I'll let you know when it's 20 degrees outside and my feet are nice and toasty!
It's finished! Actually, the tile is finished. My dad, brother and Chris worked hard all weekend to finish it up! I'll wait til it's completely done *paint, toilet, etc* before I put up the finished picture!
New pj's from Grammy!
Is he not the cutest 11 1/2 month old little boy you have EVER seen!

And now for you viewing pleasure!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Recipe Anyone?

Here ya go Kim! I hope y'all enjoy them, I have a cake recipe that you MUST try, it's delicious!!
Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting

1 - 18.5 ounce yellow cake mix (plus ingredients called for in package directions)
1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice (I just used what spices I had on hand)
1 - 15 oz. can of pumpkin puree
2 - 8 oz bars of cream cheese at room temp.
2 cups powdered sugar
24 candy corn pieces (I didn't have these)

xxHeat oven to 350. Line two 12 cup muffin tins with liners. Prepare cake mix as directed but with the following change: Add the pumpkin pie spice & substitute the pumpkin puree for the water that is called for in the package directions.

xxDivide batter among muffin tins and bake until toothpick inserted comes out clean, 18 to 22 minutes. Let cool.

xxMeanwhile, using an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese and sugar until creamy. Spread on cupcakes and top with candy corn.

Now, for the star of this show!

Landry went to the doc the other day and got his flu shot! He was SUCH as big guy and didn't even cry! He's so big it breaks my heart.

Okay, so the little mister has always enjoyed pulling out the silverware in the dishwasher (don't worry, I remove all knives). However, the other nite, he learned that he could actually climb up there and get a much better view of things.
Do you notice all of my silverware on the floor? Lovely isn't it?
Oh, Mom let's bake those pumpkin cupcakes! Here, I've already got the wisk!
Then he realized he could open cabinet doors better from up there. I've got to get some of those lock things.
So remember the bathroom remodel thing? Here's a pic of our "master bathroom" before we moved in 2 years ago. (it should actually be called the "master joke" because it's a sad, pathetic excuse for a master bath) I do give credit, because at least when we remodeled the first time it did look better than this, but it could only be helped so much.
Here's looking into the shower and toilet area. Isn't it just horrible. I know. Ugh.
Here's after Chris put the tub in the other nite. This weekend the sheetrock and everything will go back up and we'll pick out tile! HALLELUJAH!! The bathtub is huge and deep and wonderful. I asked my hubby the other nite if there is something in this world that he can't do... He couldn't come up with anything.
Remember that wall that used to be up beside the vanity? GONE!! And we moved the wall (the one closest to my hubby's head in the pic above) out into the bedroom like 11 or 12 inches. Oh, we also added french doors into our bedroom and Chris sandblasted the windows so they'd offer privacy and light at the same time! They're great!
Here's Landry this morning at my mom's house. She bought him new houseshoes! Aren't they cute! He didn't seem to mind too much, but I doubt they'll stay on long!
Oh my goodness this face! I certainly hope he'll outgrow it soon. But it does make us laugh!
And of course he volunteered to help Grammy do her dishes too! Isn't he thoughtful!
What a mess he is!

Hopefully next week I'll have some more remodel pictures!
Enjoy your weekend, it's supposed to be COLD here (in the 40's).
I'm making stew!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


We have been BUSY! Actually, my husband has been busy while I chase around a crazy *almost 11 month old!
When Chris works a weekend shift at the station, I try to always send something with him. It's usually a sweet of some kind for them to enjoy. All the stations get together (most of the time) for at least one meal during their weekend shift, so I figure they deserve a little something! (And I get one bite and then I send the rest away so I'm not the one eating it! :) clever huh!)
xxLast week I had found a recipe for Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting.
They were GOOD!
And super easy to make! I've made some really good other things too, I'll have to remember to put the recipes up here for you to try!
We're in the process of remodeling our bathroom, so Landry thought he'd play on the dirty floor!

And him and his daddy had a blast playing hide and seek!

Playing with his basketball goal
And he LOVES spaghetti! Can you tell?
YUM! doesn't it just make you hungry!
And one of Landry and me.

I want to tell my *favorite* cousin, Kim (and her hubby Mark) CONGRATS!!!
They are going to have a baby!
We are so very, very excited for their family and cannot wait to meet him/her.
Y'all are going to be great parents! We love you!
Have a great week!