
Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy Fall!

Well, it's FINALLY fall! We had a few cool days last week which were so very nice but then of course this weekend it soared to 94 degrees again! UGH. I'm so ready for cold weather! However, on a lighter note, Landry has been a very busy little man! We've played outside a lot, enjoyed spending time with his cousin's and has been helping his daddy do demolition!
We were outside last week and the little Mr. discovered the sprinklers! He played with them for about an hour off and on. He'd even go get his toys and put them in the water!

Needless to say, the kid was soaked! But he had such a great time! I hope he grows up loving the water!
Last weekend we went to Landry's cousin's birthday party. We had a good time even though he was really fussy. It was odd seeing as how he's usually a really good baby, but I think it may have to do with one of his front teeth finally coming in last week.
He got these glasses in his goody bag from the party and he LOVES them!
Getting ready for lunch! He's on table foods almost completely now. Some days he eats really well and other times he just spits everything back out!
I guess this is his attempt at a serious pose!
Also, last Friday Landry's girlfriend, Ella was born! She is absolutely precious and Landry is so taken with her (even though he did hit her) so we're working on being nice.
I've been thinking of painting my hutch in my kitchen. And after coming home one nite from visiting ms. Ella, I found Chris painting it for me!!!
Here it is BEFORE
Here's a sneek peek.....
And here it is! I LOVE it!! He distressed it and everything and it turned out even better than I ever hoped! He even took my Believe sign and painted it black and distressed it for me too so it will show up now! (that's why it's not in this pic)
Last Thursday was our 4 year anniversary and Chris suprised me with gorgeous flowers! He also had ordered a new lense for my camera! It's a zoom lense (which I used to take this picture!!) It is so great and I couldn't be happier!
Here's this little Mr. playing in (under) his bouncer outside
Of course I had to use my favorite subject to try out my new lens!! Isn't he just the most handsome thing ever?!
He's learned to bear crawl... so now he does it all.the.time. I swear I just knew he'd be walking by now since he crawled so early, but he just has no interest in it. It is funny to watch him bear crawl though, he's so good at it now he can almost run!
He also used to HATE grass! Any time you'd put him in it he'd get off asap. So yesterday I walked out in the yard to take the picture above and he follwed me out there!
Mom, me, Landry, Trissa and Kaleb went to park the other nite across from my parents new house and played. Landry really enjoyed the swings this time and I actually got several cute pictures! (go figure 2 days after I get a new camera lens, I leave it at home! Thanks mom for letting me borrow yours!)
Here's Kaleb and Landry (they're buds!)
Isn't my nephew handsome!

That's all folks!! Hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of fall! Have a fabulous week!


  1. Like what Chris did to the hutch.

    Landry is all boy! So cute.

  2. The hutch looks so good! I love that color. Way to be brave.
