
Monday, August 10, 2009

Bumps & Bruises

Let's just say we had a busy weekend!
My brother and sis-in-law got a new dog and cat, so while I was playing with the new additions, Landry decided to clean out my purse. All of it!
What mom?

Then Saturday, all good things went downhill. Landry and me were in the basement so I could print off new pictures. So he stands up and holds onto the computer cabinet and then proceeds to fall. I knew he hit something and of course he starts screaming. So we run upstairs to find Chris and I'm saying "I know he hit his head, but I can't find where." Then he turns his head and he has a huge purple line down the side of his cheek. I'm just glad it wasn't his head. Sorry the pics are so bad (once again, I'm not a fan of my camera anymore).
You can kinda see it on his left cheek

Then, he's playing in the living room the same afternoon. We have a long mirror that he likes to look in and play with, and we had it laying on top of the coffee table. Once again, he stands up, turns to face his daddy, turns back around, falls, and scraps his nose on the edge of the mirror. This one involved blood though.

This battle wound is on the right side of his nose.
Everyone has told me that once they learn to stand and then walk that they'll have all sorts of bumps and bruises, but jeez. Poor kid.
My nephews stayed the nite with me last nite while Chris was at work. Keevan wanted to sleep on Landry's couch and Kaleb wanted to sleep in Landry's ball pit.

My parents are out of town, so I have all 3 dogs.
Let's just say that I had a full bed last nite.
1 adult, 2 kids, 3 dogs.
What a wonderful life!


  1. Looks like you all had a great time!! lol

    If those are the worst wounds Landry get then rejoice. Let's hope he doesn't end up with staples in his head like someone I know...wonder who? hint, hint.

    As for the purse, I'm sure he was looking for your phone. He may be young but you might need to put him on your calling plan because the boy seems to love the phone although all of the coversations I have had with him have been very one sided.

  2. Oh yeah...1 adult, 2 kids, 3 dogs. Where was Landry or are you saying Keevan was the adult and you left the house for your own safety?

  3. Believe me, he did find my cell. And the 1 adult, 2 kids, 3 dogs was just in my bed. Luckily, Landry sleeps in his own room! As for the staples in someones head (wink, wink) I had to give that lesson the other day to one of our friends kid. I told him that it was not a good lesson to learn!
