
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Prepare yourself for a picture overload! But luckily, I'm only posting a *few* of the pictures I took of our mini-vaca!
We left Saturday morning after Chris got home and headed for Monument Lake and we got home yesterday afternoon! We had such a great time and were sad to come home so soon but we cannot wait to go back! Enjoy!
Landry excited to bounce again
Getting out of the car finally! Having a seat for a little while!

The resident campsite bear, and yes, I only got a picture of his rear-end

I purposefully caught this "minnow" sized trout for Landry... wink, wink

He couldn't figure out why he could see out of his playpen but wasn't able to crawl out! He would rock back and forth repeatedly hitting his head against the mesh!

Hanging out with daddy while we all fished
We had to rig the dining table bed so he couldn't fall out. First off, he figured out fast he could stand up and play with everything we had shoved behind the cushions and second of all, he slept awful, literally.
Stonewall, CO
Terry cleaning our day's catch
Grammy and her boys
Monument Lake
Terry and Landry fishing
I love his expression! Terry had the great idea of putting Landry in his backpack so we could all go fishing! It actually worked pretty good!
Do you see the snow on the mountain? Yep, on Monday it snowed/rained/sleeted on us! And on our way to the lake we noticed that it had actually covered the mountain!

Like I said, that's only a few pictures from our trip. We had such a blast, caught tons of fish, had a resident camp bear, were super dirty, sad to come home and counting the time til we go back!

And lastly...
I LOVE flamingo's. I have a very odd obsession with them. When we pulled up at our house yesterday afternoon, I saw some pink things in our front yard. After investigation, I learned that the Cancer Society is doing a pink flamingo fundraiser and for a donation, they will fill a yard with flamingo's! How awesome is that? My sister in law gave a donation in my name therefore my front yard was a pink paradise! I in turn, donated to have some yards filled. My granddad passed away from pancreatic cancer and I cannot think of a better cause to help. We all miss him greatly and I pray they find a cure so families will quit having to suffer the loss of a loved one. Here's to you grandpa!


  1. I'm so jealous that you guys get to go camping in the mountains! Campfires aren't quite the same in the heat of the hill country. Glad ya'll had fun!

    Also the flamingos are a clever idea!

  2. There is one thing about this family...we make campers of our kids early in life. Kimberly was between 6 and 7 months the first time she went camping on the Conejos and Josh was between 5 and 6 months.

    Looks like y'all had a great time. Glad to see you caught a Landry sized fish. I would hate for him to have missed out on supper. ;)

  3. Oh yeah...I don't think y'all took enough "stuff". When we took you kids camping the camp sight looked like a yard sale with all the bicycles, tricycles, little tyke picnic table, high chairs, play pen, wagons,etc.

    You need to work on it. Next photos of camping I want to see "stuff" everywhere. lol

  4. Love the pictures...I enjoyed reading your blog today.
    I love all the new blogs
    I have found. Quite a unique group.
    I love making new blogging friends..
    I have several Disney posts already on my blog and have several more to post. Hope you will stop by for a visit.

  5. Great post - love to hear about a successful flamingo fundraiser!

    I run a small family business that sells pink plastic flamingos around the globe. One of our operating principles is that we donate 10% of our profits from the sales of our pink plastic flamingos to charity.

    Because our flamingos are used in so many different flamingo flocking fundraisers (see our site at for examples), we think it is only right that we include the broad community in deciding where to donate our gift.

    To decide where we give our donations, we hold a web survey in which everyone can vote for their favorite charity.

    I'd be honored if you and your readers would participate in our survey this year! We are excited to be able to give back to the community and support great causes!
