
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

All about water

Here's what's been happening in our neck of the woods!
Saturday nite we got a lot of rain. Now in these parts a lot of rain is equivalent to 2 inches. These pictures are of the main street behind our office downtown where we received about 2 1/2 inches. I took these on Sunday afternoon when we came down to check the shop.

And I took this one yesterday to show how much worse it got overnite. You should see it today... they finally had to block off the other side of the road since it's starting to crack and give as well.
Hopefully they'll start repairing it soon, cause it sure is a hassle!

I know I'm late posting Landry's 7 month picture, but isn't he cute!

And this is what he though about it all!

I don't understand why he will sit with his daddy like this all nite and be calm and peaceful but not with me... hmmm.
He loves to hold his Addi and pull her hair, which she puts up with suprisingly well.

And of coure some water pictures!
(By the way, we swam on Saturday and the pool was 100 degrees.... needless to say, the solar heater has officially be unplugged!)

This is his water play mat from his Grammy. Thankfully the day I got it out it was REALLY hot outside, because outside faucet water is really cold!

Look at his rolls! hehe

I had to throw this one in there. His daddy hates this picture! He says he looks like some punk rock teenager! I'm not a fan of the faux hawk, but it seems that that's our only option since his hair is growing in a strip down the center of his head!

Is everyone looking forward to July 4th? Let's celebrate!
Have a great day!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just Call Me Little Fishy

We went for a little dip in the pool last nite! Seeing as how the weather here yesterday was in the upper 90's, the pool was warm. Warm, being above 90 degrees itself. Ya see, our fancy smancy pool (albeit an above ground-soft sided-metal frame) has a solar heater. We hang it on our fence and the pump circulates the water through it before it goes into the pool. Neat huh?! Anywho, the past month or so, the water's been around 84-86, which is perfect. Not too warm when it's blistering hot outside and not too cool when the lovely wind is blowing. After we got through eating we decided to take the little monster for dip since it was so nice outside. It was like bath water! Since the sun has already started going down it had cooled off a little and the wind was blowing. Let's just say it was the most relaxing dip in the pool i've ever had! However, I think the solar heater has about done its job for this summer since the pool has heated up nicely. Good bye my precious solar heater... we'll see you next summer!

Landry and his daddy before dinner

And onto the pictures of our little fish

Can you see the solar heater hanging on the fence?

That's all folks! Enjoy your day!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Late Father's Day!

Happy Late Father's Day! I hope everyone got to spend a little special time with their dads yesterday!

We finally had sunny weather after many days of clouds storms and rain *although my yard is very thankful!* and got to take a dip in the pool and then ate a fabulous meal at my parents house. Good food plus sun equals great times!

An oldie but a goodie! I love my dad and it's true that a dad is a daughter's first love.

Here's Landry and his daddy at the cabin a while back. Landry and Addi made him a photo-book from Shutterfly and also got him a magnetic bracelet. I think he liked them.

Chris brought his fire gear home so I took the opportunity to take Landry's pictures with his coat! I took quite a few pics and in nearly all of them he has a string of drool hanging down from his chin! He's such a goob.

Isn't he a cutie!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Father's Day weekend!
Have a great day!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Just Call Me Susie Homemaker!

That's right, I've been sewing!
First off, I made Landry a diaper bag a few months ago that I am very pleased with, although I do not have a picture of it. Then I made him a "Rag" quilt. It was fun and easy to do. And yesterday I made him a "taggy." I am actually enjoying it, even though it is really hard to find the time to sew since the little monster follows me and mashes the sewing machine presser foot down, so the needle goes 300 mph (but we won't go there!)
Here's his taggy, I think it turned out pretty good and the kid is OBSESSED with tags of any kind, so I thought this would be perfect! But for some reason he tends to only chew on the red ones on here! Weird.
Here's the completed Rag Quilt. I only made it 36 x 36. So it's a perfect size for the little man.

Here's a close up of the front of the quilt
And here's showing what the back looks like compared to the front! Cute, huh?!

Well, that's it for my susie homemaker skills of the day! I found a bunch of firefighter material, so my next project is making Chris a quilt for the station. We'll see how that goes!
Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!
Have a wonderful day!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Does this need words?

Well, hmmm. I don't really know if I should even write anything to go with these pictures or not. Let's just say that Landry REALLY enjoyed his dinner last nite. He obviously thinks he's a very big guy and can feed himself now. What do you think?

Have a fabulous weekend!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Prepare yourself for a picture overload! But luckily, I'm only posting a *few* of the pictures I took of our mini-vaca!
We left Saturday morning after Chris got home and headed for Monument Lake and we got home yesterday afternoon! We had such a great time and were sad to come home so soon but we cannot wait to go back! Enjoy!
Landry excited to bounce again
Getting out of the car finally! Having a seat for a little while!

The resident campsite bear, and yes, I only got a picture of his rear-end

I purposefully caught this "minnow" sized trout for Landry... wink, wink

He couldn't figure out why he could see out of his playpen but wasn't able to crawl out! He would rock back and forth repeatedly hitting his head against the mesh!

Hanging out with daddy while we all fished
We had to rig the dining table bed so he couldn't fall out. First off, he figured out fast he could stand up and play with everything we had shoved behind the cushions and second of all, he slept awful, literally.
Stonewall, CO
Terry cleaning our day's catch
Grammy and her boys
Monument Lake
Terry and Landry fishing
I love his expression! Terry had the great idea of putting Landry in his backpack so we could all go fishing! It actually worked pretty good!
Do you see the snow on the mountain? Yep, on Monday it snowed/rained/sleeted on us! And on our way to the lake we noticed that it had actually covered the mountain!

Like I said, that's only a few pictures from our trip. We had such a blast, caught tons of fish, had a resident camp bear, were super dirty, sad to come home and counting the time til we go back!

And lastly...
I LOVE flamingo's. I have a very odd obsession with them. When we pulled up at our house yesterday afternoon, I saw some pink things in our front yard. After investigation, I learned that the Cancer Society is doing a pink flamingo fundraiser and for a donation, they will fill a yard with flamingo's! How awesome is that? My sister in law gave a donation in my name therefore my front yard was a pink paradise! I in turn, donated to have some yards filled. My granddad passed away from pancreatic cancer and I cannot think of a better cause to help. We all miss him greatly and I pray they find a cure so families will quit having to suffer the loss of a loved one. Here's to you grandpa!