
Thursday, October 27, 2011

MDO Trick or Treat

First off- IT SNOWED!! Can I get an amen hallielujah?!! (and these were taken this morning around 8:30 and at 2pm it just now stopped snowing- so we actually have a lot more!!)

We went "Trick or Treating" with Landry's MDO class this morning at the Assisted Living place across the street from his school.  So- now you know what his costume sneak peak from the other day was! :) (Mater- from CARS, in case you don't know!)

A few kids from his class

Tara is the head honcho of MDO and is honestly one of the nicest people I've ever met.  She gives me a hard time about how "crafty" I am- and this is her face as we got off the elevator. 

Walking with Dad

Noticing mom taking pictures

Chris did lots of explaining to people on how we made his costume

He got bunches of candy

And TONS of compliments on Mater

I thought this little girls costume was so sweet!

After making his way through the line, all the nurses made him come to a different area so they could all take pictures

Going back for round 2- notice he's a little greedy?  Don't worry, he said thank you!

Since Chris walked with Landry, he heard all the goods!  He said all the little older people were excited because he was dressed as "TowMaster."  He said all down the row if one person asked what he was, the next one would say, well he's "Tow Master!".  Until an older gentleman got excited and said "oh look, he's a firetruck!"  (Close enough I guess! :))

Needless to say, we all thoroughly enjoyed our short little Trick or Treat adventure very much!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

We visited the pumpkin patch last nite- the kids had fun, but as you can tell, they both won’t cooperate for a picture at the same time…. Maybe someday.

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This is after we saw a mouse run across the ground and Landry was screaming like a little girl, cause he thought it was in the mini pumpkins! hehehehe

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And just for a flashback, these were from last year!

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Hopefully we can go back and try again for a cute picture of the two of them! We’ll see!

Monday, October 17, 2011

IPhone Pics & Sewing Projects

I have close to 400 pictures on my iphone.  I figure I should probably post some of them!

The boys made me a sign for my birthday


Landry gets to sleep in our bed when Chris is at work and now Harli gets to as well.  They usually sleep cuddled up together.


Ansley sportin’ her b-day present from Diane


Playing in Landry’s firetruck




Obviously her toes eat Cheeto’s….


Shopping for Daddy a new drill at Home Depot


Here’s a sneak peak of Landry’s Halloween costume- any guesses?!


We babysat the girls while mom & dad went out of town


And got to watch Keevan at the high school pep rally perform with his jump team (which was awesome! and he did SO amazing!)


I’ve been sewing a little lately.  Here’s the first pair of ruffle pants.


And the halloween pair


My first go round at making a dress


And we made Kinslee a pillowcase dress for Halloween!

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So far so good I guess! She’s got a lot of compliments at school, so that’s a plus!

We took the kids to the pumpkin patch last nite – so those should be up soon.

Hope everyone is enjoying fall!