
Friday, July 29, 2011

Sneak Peak–Jungle Book Style

We took Ansley’s one year pics this past weekend so I could get them edited and printed before her party.  I think that quite a few of them turned out great!

Anywho.  When I was editing them, I came across this one- and it just might be one of my favorites.  The first thing I thought of when I saw it was when Mowgli was marching with the elephants in the Jungle Book.

Mowgli imitates the elephant Junior. Despite his wild upbringing, he is still a man cub, not a pachyderm.

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Too bad you can’t see her other leg sticking out due to her massive tutu!  Silly girl!

I cannot believe she’s fixing to be one!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Another Wishlist Wednesday

Last week I stumbled upon a blog post about iced coffee. 
 Let's get one thing straight- I L.O.V.E coffee.  But, let's face it, it's very expensive to buy a cup at the local joe's.  I have a Tassimo, which is great during the cold (ha, does it even get "cold" here anymore?!) months and I want hot coffee, but when it's 90 degrees when I head to work, I definitely do not want hot coffee.  And if you've ever poured hot or luke warm coffee over ice... well, it's just gross.

Fast forward.  I learned to make "cold coffee."  Basically you soak coffee grinds in water for around 12 hours, strain the coffee, stick concentrated coffee in the fridge and you have your cold coffee ready for you in the mornings!  I'm addicted!

The recipe on her blog is
 1/3 cup coffee
1 1/2 cups water

I've been doing this recipe times 3.  It lasted me a few days!

Anywho. After soaking the grinds, the straining is the crummy part.  I've just been putting a strainer over a bowl with a coffee filter (thanks left over coffee filter wreath crafts!) in it and slowly adding the coffee mixture til it's strained.  Honestly, it sucks.  It's time consuming and dirty.

Until I saw this.
It's my today's wishlist item!
Toddy Cold Brew Coffee Maker With 2 Extra Filters
 While looking through a linky party, I found this blog talking about her cold coffee and how she makes it using her "toddy".  Oh my.  Doesn't that look fun!  I'm intrigued.

Or, you can do a gigantic batch like the Pioneer Woman! She does it like i've been doing it, only in epic proportions!

I'm not sure why i've never known about making cold coffee til now when it seems to be on every blog!  All I know is I think it's amazing and if you like coffee, it's for sure worth a shot!

Don't you feel like it took forever to just show you what I wanted?! Sorry about that!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wishlist Wednesday

Seeing as how it's Wednesday, I thought I would make a wishlist!

Since I seemed to have broke my "kit lens" (which everyone on the internet complains about, but I use on a daily basis!) I found one on Amazon.
Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS SLR Lens
This lens on Amazon for $168.99

These next few are just light diffusers for the flash.  Since majority of the pictures I take of the kids are inside, I'd like to get one someday so the flash isn't so harsh.
LumiQuest Soft Screen
LumiQuest Soft Screen for only $11.95

LumiQuest ProMax Mini SoftBox

Professor Kobre's Lightscoop, Standard Version Bounce Flash Device, Universal Model, fits over the Pop-up Flash of most SLR Cameras (American Photo Editor's Choice 2008)
Light Scoop for $29.95

There ya have it!  My Wishlist Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


We spent 3 days in Colorado before we headed to New Mexico for the rest of the week.  It was a great 1149.3 mile vacation!

Sorry some of the pics aren’t great.  The first time I got my camera out for the trip, my lens wouldn’t work right, so stupid me started messing with it and ended up breaking the spring inside the lens.  Needless to say, I fought with it the rest of the week.  Booooo.

We originally planned to stay in Trinidad the first nite, but a storm pushed us to go ahead and go to Pueblo.  We went to the zoo before heading to a hotel.


2011-07-17 vacation


Then we headed to Colorado Springs to visit the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo where we spent several hours.  Definitely a must see! We visited all these places on our honeymoon and they were just as great this time!






From there we went to the North Pole.  We were a little worried Landry wouldn’t like the rides, but he had the best time EVER!








As a note- we put him on this ride, not knowing that it went lightning fast! Poor kid by the end of it was mashed up against the side trying to hang on!



We stopped back in Pueblo to the “Children’s Museum” but it was an utter joke.  We were literally there for 15 minutes and 13 of that was unnecessary.

2011-07-17 vacation1

Since we missed Trinidad the first day, we stopped at their Aquatic Center aka- Pool and played in the water for a while (iphone pics).  Of course, Landry LOVED this probably the most!  He had the biggest smile after coming off the huge slide with his daddy.

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We ate dinner in Trinidad and the power went off because of a storm, so we decided to head on to Angel Fire.

These are through Raton Pass, it all burned a few weeks back. 


We visited Red River and Taos there and just kinda hung around the cabin.  The kids enjoyed getting to play with their new toys they picked up.



These are phone pics from Taos

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We stopped at the Farmer’s Market in Eagle’s Nest and I picked up mini cantaloupes and cucumber pickles.  And the other is the resident chipmunk we saw all week.

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Landry is obsessed with horses.  We stopped here a few times and before we left AF, I snapped some pics of him.


Overall, we had a fabulous time.  Minus crabby babies in the car, I consider it a success! It sure stunk having to come back to reality!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Pool Towel Door

A few weeks ago, I saw the cutest thing here.  I knew mom & dad needed it at their house, so I bought a door, the hubster painted it and attached the hangers and I slapped on some vinyl!  I LOVE it!
