
Friday, December 31, 2010

A Year in Review



Well, another year has gone by! This year brought many changes for our little family. We somehow managed to bring another dog into the family, we welcomed our precious baby girl, and our main man turned 2!
It has been such a fantastic year for us and even though it went by so fast, I wouldn't change anything. I cherish every moment I have and I look forward to what 2011 will bring to us!
I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year's tonite. Please be careful in whatever you do!
Here's to 2011!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Time

Ever notice how we spend forever getting everything 'just right' for Christmas and in the blink of an eye, it's over? Yep. Me too.
It was a great Christmas as usual though!  Lot's of family time and celebrating this wonderful season of life!
We truly have SO much to be thankful for!
A few days before Christmas, Trissa & me finished up a few Christmas gifts, so Uncle TT (as the little mister has now named him) "watched" the kiddos and tried to keep them out of our hair.
Harli would love nothing more than for someone to hold her like this ALL.DAY.LONG

The little mister obviously had lots of his own work to do as well.
I didn't get any pics over at Big Daddy's Christmas celebrations (kinda hard to when I didn't take my camera. fooey.) We celebrated with them at lunch on Christmas eve then headed to my parents for dinner!

Bam-Bam and his princess

Mom's gorgeous tree

Having uncle TT read his new book

Red converse!

It's Stinky time!

New quilt from Grammy

Opening sister's gifts too.
Her pretty new quilt

Oh Yes!! That's right!!
The HOLIDAY Barbie!

Ansley's pink converse

His very own e-reader

Tickle me Elmo

Snow suit

Miss Priss' new chair!

Santa goodies

More Santa goodies

Christmas Morning! Santa came!

After breakfast at mom & dad's, we all got our Santa gifts.
Miss Priss got a pony!

And Sing-a-ma-jigs

And shoes & bows!

Landry LOVES his Grammy!

Landry got a giant piano! It's really fun!

Then we came home to open our presents. 
Little mister helping daddy open his new boots

the CLAW

New electronics!

Hangin out in sister's new chair!

Have I ever mentioned that I sometimes despise this blog business?
It won't let me move these pics where they're supposed to be.
We got new outdoor heaters from mom & dad!
the boys opening their new shop vacs.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and remembered why we celebrate this time of season!