
Monday, April 26, 2010

Birthday Fun!

Landry's friend Kaden (who is Ella's older brother) had his 6th birthday this weekend and we got to join in the festivities! 

This is the birthday boy with all his presents from his party!
Friday evening we all went out for burgers!  They were delicious and I think we all had a great time!
This is Miss Ellas "eating" a fry.  Kinda hard seeing as how she has no teeth!
Saturday afternoon was his actual birthday and party.  He had it at the college's activity center and it was a blast!

Miss Ella in her bikini we got her.  Is she not the cutest little thing ever?  I just love that kid!
I knew Landry would have a great time seeing as how he LOVES water, but I also figured it might take him a while to get used to the idea.

And I was right! At first he wanted not part in it and kept running back to Grammy (Big Daddy had to work, so my mom joined us).
But after a little bit, he was ready to play!  Aren't him and Ella precious in their swimsuits!?
Ella loved the water!
Landry kept kissing Ella and trying to take her ponytail out. 
Oh, I just think she's a doll...
Landry found this fun noodle, so Em told Landry to look at her and smile.  And what did he do?  Looked at her and smiled!  Little turkey.  I love this picture, it totally shows how silly he is!
Sunday, mainly was spent outside!  It was beautiful here!  It was the first day that had no wind in like a week and it was almost 80 and sunny!  We made a trip to Lowes and Big Daddy worked in the flower beds again!  It's starting to look really nice!  He is doing a fabulous job!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

PS. I'm pretty sure there is a squirrel who wants to live with us.  Last weekend, it kept trying to get in our bedroom window, it would claw and scratch the window!  Then while we ate lunch, he jumped in the dining room window and tried to get in there!  Then later that afternoon, he just sat at the front door and looked in.  It was majorly creepy.  (It's not that I'm scared of squirrel's or anything, but I have a huge fear of them jumping on me). So anywho, fast forward to yesterday morning.  Chris notices that the squirrel keeps popping up out of these flower boxes that he has on the front porch (they're wood and have a space that you can put a potted plant down into)  and when you go out the door, he scampers down into it.  So he finally gets the squirrel out of the planted and covers it up.  Problem solved right?  WRONG!  We get home from Lowes and he says "the squirrel is in the house."  Turns out that translates into he is in the venting that leads to the range hood vent in the kitchen!  (that explains why i've been hearing weird noises in the kitchen!!)  So, I'm instructed to stand outside and watch the vent while he gets a ladder and such.  He climbs up there and sprays some stuff inside the vent hoping to get the squirrel to come out.  Oh, it worked all right.  That squirrel came out of that vent like it's bottom was on fire!  And he was extremely angry.  It's scared the holy bejeezes out of me, so Landry and me hightailed it into the house.  For about the next 15 minutes you can hear Chris running across the roof of the house and squirrel's claws on the roof.  Then you see Chris run across the front yard.  When he finally said it was safe to come out, he was a little out of breath and kept saying how mad that squirrel was! 
We were outside all evening and never saw anything out him, but when we went to bed last night, he climbed on our window seal again!  Chris was furious that he was back and got up to check, but he must of left, either that or is choosing to haunt us now!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Update:  The surgery went well yesterday!  Chris said the next step would be chemo, so continue to keep him in your prayers!

If y'all get a chance, please pray for Chris' granddad.  They have found bladder cancer and have chosen surgery.  The surgery is tomorrow, the 15th.  Thanks so much, I know Chris will appreciate it as well.

*Side note, our granddad's actually went to school together and were friends!!  Crazy what a small world it is. 

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Wonderful Weekend!

What a busy weekend we had!  I'm pretty sure that after the past 2 days, Big Daddy will not want to be home all weekend ever again!  I think he had to work harder at home than at his jobs! 

Saturday evening, we cooked out and all the boys played.  HARD!  By 7:30 all of them were covered head to toe in filth!  So we threw them all in the tub and they had an absolute blast!
You know kids are dirty when you have to drain the tub and refill it to rinse them off!  I should have taken a picture of the bath water! It was disgusting!
This little man got to stay up 'til 8:45 and usually anytime he gets to stay up late he still wakes up at his usual time.  This morning however... he was LAZY!  I went grocery shopping and talked to big daddy a little after 9 and he finally went in and woke Landry up!  He was just plum tuckered out!
Mom and I headed to Home Depot after lunch to find some pretties to fix our flower beds out front!  Let's just say that our front yard is ugly.  It is, really.  I think every kind of grass is in our yard.  We've tried putting seed down in the bare spots, but it's never taken.  However... I'm determined to make it work.  Chris told me this morning to go get some stuff to put out in the flower beds, cause at least those need to look nice!

These two boys were BIG helpers!
These are the flower beds after Chris took up the old bushes *which were not wasted... we (and by we, I in no part mean me) transplanted them in other spots.
Big Daddy working
And the boys hard at work.
This boy was dirty! Dirty, dirty!
These are after most of the bushes were planted.  For some odd reason, I didn't take pictures after all the plants were planted!  But we still have to get mulch and stuff, so I'll just wait til then!
Terry helped Chris a lot too.  Chris smoked some ribs and chicken, so we invited them to stay and eat.  Let's just say that Terry wanted T-bones and rib-eyes! 
The boys had to take a break from working for popsicle time! Mom found these mini popsicles that are slow melt!  They are seriously the greatest invention ever and Landry thinks that they are amazing!
This was supposed to be our first spring storm coming in.  It never made it though!  It went south of us and then went northeast!  (believe me, as much as we need the rain and moisture, I'm not sad we missed the storm, I'm not ready to use the basement)
Did y'all have a good weekend? 
I'm sure Big Daddy is going to be crazy sore and sunburned tomorrow, but all his hard work is going to turn out fabulously!
Thanks Big Daddy for working so hard this weekend!  Just think... that's one less thing to do next time! :) Just kidding. *kind of*

Have a great day!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Thirty-One Bags

So... I seem to have started a new adventure!  Have you ever heard of a Thirty-One party?
Well, it's a company that sells bags and such.  I say "such" because they sell all types of bags, but also key chains, coin purses, make-up bags, towels, plates, stationary, and on and on and on!  I'm really excited about it and hope someone else has a party or something!  I'm putting some pages out of the catalog up so you can see a couple of the products, I'm sorry they're not very good, I had to scan them in. 

With majority of their products, you can personlize your order with your choice of font and embroidery color!  Best part?  You get it for FREE! The children's catalog has a few different personalization options too.
And these are the flyers for the customer specials for the months of April and May!
If you go to Thirty-One you can go to my website and view the catalogs online!  There are 3 out right now.  The best part of having "parties" is that you can do a home party, online party, or a catalog party! 

Let me know if you see anything you're interested in or having a party of any kind!
Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Happenings!

These are a few pictures from last week while it was so nice outside!  The past 5 days have been miserably windy, i'm so over it.  Today is supposed to gust to 60 mph.  Oh boy, doesn't that sound fun!

Anywho...  These are Landry's daisy dukes! hehe, I think they're so precious on his little legs!  He's built like my granddad was, short legs and long torso!  Big daddy wasn't real impressed with them, but I thought they were cute!
This one cracks me up, they're both making the same face!  Two little pea's in a pod those boys!
This kid is obsessed with dipping his food in something.  At this point his favorites are ketchup and ranch.  And let me tell you, he usually eats more of it than his actual dinner!
How was y'alls Easter celebrations?  Ours was not so good.  Landry hasn't been feeling good for a few days and it all crashed on us on Sunday.  His fever when we got home from Easter was 102.7 and he still had a 101 on Monday morning.  UGH.
This is Landry opening his Easter "basket," he got bubbles, sidewalk chalk, bath toys, a walking chick, and some suckers and candy!
We went to my parents house first for lunch and an egg hunt. 
Landry was pretty crabby the whole time we were there.
Daddy helping him with his eggs.
Then he had to get Grampy's help too.
And then Keevan's!
After he found all his eggs, he decided to donate them to Keevan's basket! 
Trissa got Landry a marshmallow sucker and some little candy's for his Easter present.  He thinks the marshmallow is awesome!
Then we headed over to Chris' parents for a few hours to celebrate with his family.
We stopped by the cemetery to put fresh spring flowers on my great-grandparents graves.  I think they are really pretty!
Landry and Collin hunting their eggs.
Landry ended up with 2!
And this is what it's like trying to take a million grand/great-grandkids pictures at one time!
This is about the best one out of about 10 that I took.
Landry cried almost the entire way home from there, so when we got home he got to pretty much do whatever he wanted to!  Of course he ended up out back to play with his new bubbles and the water!
This one cracks me up!
Momma and Landry
Uncle Terry came over and helped Big Daddy move Landry's crib to his new room Sunday evening so we can start working on the nursery.  His new room is no where near complete, but the walls are painted, so we wanted him to get used to sleeping in there.
He decided he wanted to play on daddy's computer, so daddy had to show him a picture of Jennifer Aniston, which I think Landry liked!
This is the north wall in Landry's big boy room.  We're (and by we, I mean Chris) going to paint a little bit more on the brick wall to look like a fire station and then decorate in a fireman theme!  I'm really excited to get it finished!
Landry and me stayed home yesterday and he went to the pedi.  Turns out he has a sinus infection, and ear infection in his right ear and severe allergies.  So he's taking a steriod, and antibiotic and a cough medicine!  We're all just hoping he isn't allergic to the new antibiotic. 
I hope the little man feels better really soon, I hate when he doesn't feel good.  It just breaks my heart. 
I woke up this morning with drainage and a sore throat, so we'll see what comes of that! blah
Then you wonder why I HATE the wind.  stupid allergies.

This is the video of Landry hunting his eggs at my parents house, it's kinda long.

Hope everyone enjoyed celebrating Easter with loved ones!
Have a wonderful day!