
Monday, July 27, 2009

Please Pray

Please go to and visit MckMama's site.
Baby Stellan needs serious prayer right now. I don't know how much more his little body can handle. Also remember MckMama too, she's had a lot to handle and I know she needs a miracle at this point. So please stop what you're doing and lift their family up. High.

Ever since becoming pregnant with Landry I knew he would be special. He is my first child. Landry and Stellan are basically the same age, and there is not a single day that goes by that I do not thank God for my beautiful and healthy little boy. Sure, I get frustrated with the best of them, but there is nothing that will ever replace the pure joy he can give me.
He got a "new car" yesterday and he loves it!

This is him this morning still loving it!

I just hope that Stellan gets to use a "new car" some day too.
I hate that I feel so fortunate in life while others suffer. I know that God only gives us what we can handle but sometimes it's just so hard to understand the why's.
So please, take a good look around you today. Give thanks for the many blessings you have. Your home, your family, and anything else in this life that brings you joy.
And while you're at it, please lift Stellan up.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Out like a light!

Our lives are boring! Therefore, I got nothin'!
Landry and I did get to go to my brother's house for 4th of July though and got to hang out with everyone. But by the time dinner came around, I had a very ticked off baby on my hands. So I got mine to go and we headed home! Since Chris had to work and the little monster went to bed around 9 they only fireworks I got to enjoy were the sounds of them through our neighborhood!
Landry LOVES his cousins.

Yesterday, I put Landry in his bouncer outside for a little bit to get a couple of things done... and this is what I found! Poor baby! Being a little man is such hard work sometimes!

Hope everyone had a safe 4th of July!